Chainsaw Hookers, Ebolagoldfish, The Decline, Medicine, Bläckwitch. Rocket Room, Perth. 30-05-2014.


Words Sophie Dunsford
Photos Kim Anderson – Shoot The Wicked Witch

Chainsaw Hookers - Rocket Room Perth. 30-05-2014.People’s anticipation for Chainsaw Hookers Return to Rocket Room was evident and the bar surrounds were filling as people steadily trickled through the entrance. The early crowd had gathered at the front of the dimly lit venue to watch the black-t-shirt-wearing hardcore Bläckwitch do their thing. The colourfully tattooed and densely-bearded bass player exerted high levels of concentration, peering through his matted fringe and playing a complex combination of bass notes and occasionally screaming backup vocals into the mic.

A bearded crowd quickly assembled as Medicine began their set. Things heated up rapidly. Vocalist Michael Spencer removed his jumper half-way through the first song to reveal a shirt featuring a particularly unhappy looking cat. In the background, drummer Justin Kukulka was drinking water straight out of a jug. Spencer must have been jealous, and asked the room “Can I have some water by any chance? A lot of it, like… a jug… maybe?” Gravelly screaming is thirsty work!

Prominent Perth punkers The Decline never seem to rest! They were sporting their favourite band t-shirts, ready to entertain the growing crowd of Rocket Roomers. Their punchy opener Showertime In The Slammer drew the crowd’s attention instantly. They delivered the high quality set that the public has come to expect, cranking out an array of tracks from each of their releases with plenty of energy. Fans in the front row sang along and the masses nodded their heads in time with the beat. At the end of their set they departed the stage with a modest “See ya”. They weren’t stealing the show tonight.

Punters spilled out into the street for a quick smoke and some fresh air. After a short break, there was an eruption of sound from deep within and revellers flooded back inside to see Chainsaw Hookers dominating the stage in their trademark black and denim. People were packed like sardines, crowding every corner of the room. The main event had begun! The throng was pumping, completely enthralled by Chainsaw Hookers’ synchronized screaming, machine gun drumming and all the crunchy guitar riffs. Vocalist Andrew Rowcroft sheepishly confided in the crowd: “I was hoping we’d play this new song when I was totally sober.” Fans didn’t seem to mind, and rocked out to Near Dark wildly applauding and cheering when it was over.

The bulk of the crowd, evidently Chainsaw Hookers fans, finished their drinks and trickled out the door. Only a handful of enthusiastic night-owl punkers were left behind to enjoy the melodious revelry that New South Wales band Ebolagoldfish provided. It turned out to be quite the party!